Master Master - Remove The Clowns

Is science developping new ways to ultimately thin the herd
Has your God forasken all the people what they rightfully deserve

The time is now to pull the leaders down
Disavow just remove the clowns
The time is now to pull the leaders down
Disavow just remove the clowns

As the US intelligence monitors your every move
Terrorists find new technology to, and they simply improve

The time is now to pull the leaders down
Disavow just remove the clowns
The time is now to pull the leaders down
Disavow just remove the clowns

Can you read the writing on the wall ?
You can see the truths about to fall
The world is really living in disgrace
Gazing in the mirror should feel ashamed

Watch as the world it slowly disintegrates as the neighbors feud
The time is upon us for obliteration is surely due

The time is now to pull the leaders down
Disavow just remove the clowns
The time is now to pull the leaders down
Disavow just remove the clowns